Liturgical texts,
ready to chant

The Episcopal chant database provides interactive and downloadable chant settings of liturgical texts approved for use in The Episcopal Church.

We make it easy, so anyone can learn to chant the service.


While each person has his or her own spirituality and personal quest for truth and meaning, group experiences of worship are also important, not least for the building of community between people, the sense of belonging and being connected to others. Christianity in particular has always been a movement, not a philosophy of life adhered to by individuals on their own without any connection to or communication with others. The sharing ( koinonia ) between disciples/believers is expressed and also actualized in liturgy.

Fr. Bill Gartig on musical connection in the liturgy; on his website One Man's Offering , the inspiration for Episcopal Chant. Click here to read more about Fr. Gartig.


Readings, prayers, and more

Episcopal chant offers:

  • Gospel and Epistle readings from the Revised Common Lectionary
  • Eucharistic prayers, blessings, and dismissals from the Book of Common Prayer (1979)
  • Settings for other Prayer Book services (including the Great Litany and Compline)
  • Chant for special days (including services for Holy Week from the Book of Common Prayer and services from the Book of Occasional Services)

Episcopal Chant is growing and taking your suggestions. What would you like to see?