The Mozarabic Rite, officially known as the Hispanic Rite, is one of the liturgical rites of Roman Catholicism used primarily in Spain and Portugal. The term, Mozarabic, refers to the Mozarabs, the Christians who lived in Iberia during the Muslim rule in the Middle Ages. This unique tone, chosen perhaps because of the universality of Prayer D, was printed in the
Missale Mixtum secundum Regulam beati Isidori, dictum Mozarabes
Patrologia Latina,
vol. 85).
This fully sung-through version, written by Bill Gartig, is best for celebratory occasions. To keep the Mozarabic theme together, use
as the
when celebrating, a simpler Mozarabic tone. The sung Memorial Acclamation chosen by Gartig,
, comes from the Ambrosian Rite of Milan.
For the chant preceding the
, see
Eucharistic Prayer D, Pre-Sanctus
(f3)We(fg) ac(fe)claim(fh) you,(hgh) ho(fg)ly(f) Lord,(f.) (,) glo(fg/hi/j)ri(i)ous(hg) in(ge) pow(fg)er.(g.) (;) Your(g) might(g)y(g) works(g) re(g)veal(gh) your(fd) wis(ef)dom(h) and(fg) love.(f.) (:) You(f) for(h)med(h) us(h) in(h) your(h) own(h) im(hi)age,(h.) (,) giv(h)ing(h) the(h) whole(h) world(h) in(hg)to(ge) our(fg) care,(g.) (;) so(g) that,(g.) (,) in(g) o(g)be(g)dience(g) to(g) you,(g.) (,) our(f) Cre(g)a(h)tor,(g.) (,) we(g) might(g) rule(g) and(f) serve(fd) all(ef) your(h) crea(fg)tures.(f.) (:) When(f) our(h) dis(h)o(h)bedience(h) took(hg) us(ge) far(fg) from(g) you,(g,) (;) you(g) did(g) not(g) a(g)ban(g)don(f) us(fd) to(ef) the(h) pow'r(gh) of(f) death.(f.) (:) In(f) your(h) mer(h)cy(h) you(h) came(hg) to(ge) our(fg) help,(g.) (,) so(g) that(g) in(g) seek(g)ing(f) you(fd) we(ef) might(h) find(fg) you.(f.) (:) A(f)gain(h) and(h) a(h)gain(h) you(h) called(h) us(h) in(h)to(h) cov(h)e(g)nant(gf) with(fg) you,(g.) (;) and(g) through(g) the(g) pro(g)phets(g) you(g) taught(gh) us(f) to(d) hope(ef) for(h) sal(h)va(fg)tion.(f.) (:)
Fa(f)ther,(hi) you(j) loved(j) the(i) world(h) so(hi) much(h.) (,) that(h) in(h) the(h) full(hg)ness(gh) of(fg) time(g.) (;) you(g) sent(g) your(g) on(g)ly(h) Son(fd) to(ef) be(h) our(h) Sav(fg)ior.(f.) (:) In(f)car(fg/hi/jkJIjIHGhd)nate(d.) by(fe/fgh) the(h) Ho(h)ly(h) Spir(i)it,(h) (;) born(h) of(h) the(h) Vir(hg)gin(ge) Ma(fg)ry,(g.) (;) he(g) lived(g) as(g) one(gh) of(f) us,(d) yet(ef) with(h)out(fg) sin.(f.) (:) To(f) the(h) poor(h) he(g) pro(h)claimed(i) the(h) good(h) news(h) of(hg) sal(ge)va(fg)tion;(g.) (;) to(g) pris(g)on(g)ers,(g) free(h)dom;(g.) (,) to(fd) the(ef) sor(h)row(fg)ful,(f) joy.(f.) To(fg) ful(fe)fill(fh) your(hgh) pur(fg)pose(f.) he(f) gave(e) him(f)self(h) up(fg) to(f) death;(f.) (,) and,(f) ris(fg/hi/jkJIjIHGhd)ing(d.) from(fe) the(fg) grave,(h) de(ge)stroyed(fg) death,(g.) (;) and(g) made(gh) the(fd) whole(ef) cre(h)a(fg)tion(f) new.(f.) (:)
And,(fg/hi/j) that(i) we(h) might(h) live(h) no(h) lon(h)ger(h) for(hi) our(h)selves,(h.) (,) but(h) for(h) him(h) who(h) died(hg) and(ge) rose(fg) for(g) us,(g.) (;) he(f) sent(h) the(h) Ho(hg)ly(ge) Spir(fg)it,(g.) (,) his(f) own(h) first(h) gift(h) for(g) those(gf) who(fg) be(g)lieve,(g.) (:) to(g) com(g)plete(g) his(g) work(g) in(g) the(g) world,(g.) (,) and(g) to(g) bring(g) to(f) ful(g)fill(h)ment(g) the(g) sanc(gh)ti(fd)fi(d)ca(ef)tion(h) of(fg) all.(f.) (:)
When(f) the(h) hour(h) had(h) come(h) for(h) him(h) to(h) be(h) glo(i)ri(h)fied(h) by(h) you,(h.) (,) his(h) heav(h)en(g)ly(gf) Fa(fg)ther,(g.) (;) hav(f)ing(h) loved(h) his(h) own(h) who(g) were(gf) in(fg) the(g) world,(g.) (,) he(g) loved(fd) them(ef) to(h) the(fg) end;(f.) (:) at(f) sup(h)per(h) with(h) them(h) he(gf) took(fg) bread,(g.) (,) and(f) when(h) he(h) had(h) giv(hg)en(gf) thanks(fg) to(g) you,(g.) (;) he(g) broke(g) it,(g) and(g) gave(g) it(g) to(g) his(gh) dis(fd)ci(ef)ples,(h) and(fg) said,(f.) (,) "Take,(f) eat:(h.) (,) This(h) is(h) my(h) Bo(h)dy,(h) (,) which(h) is(h) giv(hg)en(gf) for(fg) you.(g.) (:) Do(g) this(g) for(g) the(gh) re(fd)mem(ef)brance(h) of(fg) me."(f.) (:)
Af(f)ter(h) sup(h)per(h) he(h) took(hg) the(gf) cup(fg) of(g) wine;(g.) (,) and(f) when(h) he(g) had(gf) giv(fg)en(g) thanks,(g.) (,) he(g) gave(fd) it(ef) to(h) them,(fg) and(f) said,(f.) (:) "Drink(f) this,(h.) (,) all(h) of(h) you:(h.) (,) This(h) is(h) my(hh) Blood(h) of(h) the(h) new(h) Cov(i)e(h)nant,(h.) (,) which(h) is(h) shed(h) for(h) you(h) and(g) for(gf) man(fg)y(g.) (;) for(g) the(gh) for(fd)give(ef)ness(h) of(fg) sins.(f.) (:) When(f)ev(h)er(g) you(gf) drink(fg) it,(g.) (,) do(g) this(g) for(g) the(g) re(fd)mem(ef)brance(h) of(fg) me."(f.) (:)
Fa(fg)ther,(fe) we(fh) now(hgh) cel(fg)e(f)brate(f.) (,) this(fh) mem(i)or(j)i(i)al(h) of(fe) our(f) re(h)demp(fg)tion.(f.) (:) Re(f)cal(h)ling(h) Christ's(h) death(h) and(h) his(h) de(h)scent(hg) a(gd)mong(fg) the(g) dead,(g,) (;) pro(f)claim(h)ing(h) his(h) res(h)ur(h)rec(h)tion(h) and(h) a(h)scen(h)sion(h) to(hg) your(ge) right(fg) hand,(g.) (,) a(f)wait(h)ing(h) his(h) com(h)ing(g) in(ge) glo(fg)ry;(g.) (,) and(f) of(h)fer(h)ing(h) to(h) you,(h) (,) from(h) the(h) gifts(h) you(g) have(h) gi(i)ven(h) us,(h.) (,) this(h) bread(hg) and(ge) this(fg) cup,(g.) (,) we(g) praise(gh) you(fd) and(ef) we(h) bless(fg) you.(f.) (:)
(g.) (;)
(e.) (;)
(f.) (:)
Lord,(fg/hi/j) we(i) pray(h) that(h) in(h) your(h) good(h)ness(h) and(h) mer(hi)cy(h.) (,) your(h) Ho(h)ly(h) Spi(h)rit(h) may(h) de(h)scend(h) up(h)on(h) us,(h) and(hg) up(ge)on(fg) these(g) gifts,(g.) (,) sanc(f)ti(h)fy(h)ing(h) them(h) and(h) show(h)ing(h) them(h) to(h) be(h) ho(h)ly(i) gifts(h) for(h) your(h) ho(hg)ly(ge) peo(fg)ple,(g.) (,) the(f) bread(h) of(h) life(h) and(h) the(h) cup(h) of(g) sal(ge)va(fg)tion,(g.) (,) the(g) Bod(g)y(g) and(g) Blood(gh) of(fd) your(ef) Son(h) Je(fg)sus(f) Christ.(f.) (:)
Grant(fg) that(fe) all(fh) who(h) share(h) this(h) bread(h) and(h) cup(h) may(h) be(h)come(h) one(h) bod(h)y(h) and(hg) one(ge) spir(fg)it,(g.) (,) a(f) liv(h)ing(h) sac(hg)ri(ge)fice(fg) in(g) Christ,(g.) (,) to(g) the(fd) praise(ef) of(h) your(fg) Name.(f.) (:)
Re(f)mem(h)ber,(h) Lord,(h) your(h) one(h) ho(h)ly(h) cath(h)o(h)lic(h) and(h) a(h)po(h)stol(h)ic(h) Church,(h) (,) re(h)deemed(h) by(h) the(h) blood(hg) of(ge) your(fg) Christ.(g.) (:) Re(f)veal(h) its(h) u(h)ni(h)ty,(h) (,) guard(g) its(gh) faith,(fd) and(ef) pre(h)serve(f) it(g) in(f) peace.(f.) (:)
$[Re(f)mem(h)ber(h) NAME(h) our(h) Pre(h)si(h)ding(h) Bi(h)shop,(h) (,) NAME(h), our(h) Bi(h)shop,(h) (,) and(h) all(h) who(g) min(gh)is(fd)ter(ef) in(h) your(fg) Church.$](f.) (:) $[Re(f)mem(h)ber(h) all(hg) your(ge) peo(fg)ple,(g.) (,) and(fe/fgh) those(h) who(h) seek(fg) your(f) truth.$](f.) (:) $[Re(f)mem(h)ber(h) all(h) who(h) have(h) died(h) in(hg) the(gf) peace(fg) of(g) Christ,(g.) (,) and(f) those(h) whose(h) faith(h) is(h) known(hg) to(gf) you(fg) a(g.)lone;(g.) (,) bring(g) them(g) in(g)to(g) the(g) place(g) of(gh) e(fd)ter(ef)nal(h) joy(fg) and(f) light.$](f.) (:)
And(f) grant(fg/hi/j) that(i) we(h) may(h) find(h) our(h) in(h)her(h)i(h)tance(h) with(h) $[the(h) Bles(h)sed(h) Vir(h)gin(h) Mar(hi)y,(h.) (,) with(f) pa(h)tri(h)archs,(h) pro(h)phets,(h) a(h)pos(h)tles,(g) and(gf) mar(fg)tyrs,(g.) and$](gf) all(fg) the(g) saints(g.) (,) who(g) have(g) found(g) fa(gh)vor(fd) with(ef) you(h) in(h) a(fg)ges(f) past.(f.) (:) We(f) praise(fg/hi/jkJIjIHGhd) you(d.) in(fe/fgh) un(hg)ion(gd) with(fg) them(g.) and(g) give(g) you(g) glo(fgwh)ry(g) through(g) your(gh) Son(fd) Je(ef)sus(h) Christ(fg) our(f) Lord.(f.) (::)
Through(f) Christ,(h) and(h) with(h) Christ,(g) and(gf) in(fg) Christ,(g.) (;) all(f) hon(hi)or(j) and(j) glo(j)ry(h) are(gh) yours,(h.) (,) Al(h)migh(h)ty(h) God(hg) and(gd) Fa(fg)ther,(g.) (,) in(g) the(g) u(fgwh)ni(g)ty(g) of(g) the(fe) Ho(ef)ly(h) Spi(fg)rit,(f.) (;) for(e) ev(f)er(f) and(g) ev(fe)er.(e.) (:)
(e.f.) (::)%