(c4)The(h) Pas(j)sion(j) of(j) our(j) Lord(j) Je(i)sus(h) Christ,(j) (;) ac(h)cor(j)ding(g) to(h) John.(f)
C.(:) Je(h)sus(j) went(j) out(j) with(j) his(j) dis(j)ci(j)ples(j) a(j)cross(j) the(j) Ki(i)dron(h) val(j)ley(j) (;) to(j) a(j) place(j) where(j) there(j) was(j) a(j) gar(j)den,(j) which(j) he(j) and(j) his(j) dis(j)ci(j)ples(g) en(h)tered.(f) (:) Now(h) Ju(j)das,(j) who(j) be(j)trayed(j) him,(j) al(j)so(j) knew(i) the(h) place,(j) (;) be(j)cause(j) Je(j)sus(j) of(j)ten(j) met(j) there(j) with(j) his(j) dis(g)ci(h)ples.(f) (:) So(h) Ju(j)das(j) brought(j) a(j) de(j)tach(j)ment(j) of(j) sol(j)diers(h) (,) to(h)geth(j)er(j) with(j) po(j)lice(j) from(j) the(j) chief(j) priests(j) and(i) the(h) Phar(j)i(j)sees,(j) (;) and(j) they(j) came(j) there(j) with(j) lan(j)terns(j) and(j) tor(j)ch(j)es(j) and(g) weap(h)ons.(f) (:) Then(h) Je(j)sus,(j) (,) know(j)ing(j) all(j) that(j) was(j) to(j) hap(j)pen(i) to(h) him,(j) (;) came(j) for(j)ward(j) and(j) asked(ixjIH) them,(gf)
†(::)Whom(d) are(f) you(e) look(c)ing(de) for?(f)
C.(::)They(jg) ans(h)wered,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Je(i)sus(k) of(i) Naz(j)a(h)reth.(h)
C.(z0::c4)Je(j)sus(ixi) re(h)plied(gf)
†(::)I(g) am(ghGF) he.(f)
C.(::)Ju(h)das,(j) who(j) be(j)trayed(j) him,(j) was(j) stand(j)ing(g) with(h) them.(f) (:) When(h) Je(j)sus(j) said(j) to(j) them,(j) 'I(i) am(h) he,'(j) (;) they(h) stepped(j) back(j) and(j) fell(j) to(g) the(h) ground.(f) (:) A(h)gain(ixji) he(h) asked(g) them,(f)
†(::)Whom(d) are(f) you(e) loo(c)king(de) for?(f)
C.(::)And(j) they(g) said,(hf)
S.(z0::c3)Je(i)sus(k) of(i) Naz(j)a(h)reth.(h)
C.(::c4)Je(h)sus(j) ans(ixjIH)wered,(gf)
†(::)I(e) told(d) you(f) (,) that(d) I(f) am(fe) he.(d) (:) So(d) if(f) you(f) are(f) look(f)ing(e) for(d) me,(f) (,) let(f) these(e) men(ghg) go.(f)
C.(::)This(h) was(j) to(j) ful(j)fill(j) the(j) word(j) that(j) he(i) had(h) spo(j)ken,(j) (;) 'I(h) did(j) not(j) lose(j) a(j) sin(j)gle(j) one(j) of(j) those(j) whom(j) you(g) gave(h) me.'(f) (:) Then(h) Si(j)mon(j) Pe(j)ter,(j) who(j) had(j) a(j) sword,(j) drew(j) it,(h) (,) struck(j) the(j) high(i) priest’s(h) slave,(j) (;) and(j) cut(j) off(j) his(g) right(h) ear.(f) (:) The(h) slave’s(j) name(j) was(g) Mal(h)chus.(f) (:) Je(h)sus(j) said(j) to(ixjIH) Pe(g)ter,(f)
†(::)Put(d) your(f) sword(f) back(f) in(f)to(e) its(d) sheath.(d) (:) Am(d) I(f) not(f) to(f) drink(e) the(d) cup(f) (,) that(d) the(f) Fa(f)ther(f) has(e) giv(c)en(de) me?(f)
C.(::)So(h) the(j) sol(j)diers,(j) their(j) of(j)fic(j)er,(j) and(j) the(j) Ju(j)de(j)an(j) po(j)lice(j) (,) ar(j)rest(j)ed(j) Je(j)sus(j) and(j) bound(j) him.(h) (,)
First(h) they(j) took(j) him(i) to(h) An(j)nas,(j) (;) who(j) was(j) the(j) fa(j)ther(j)in(j)law(j) of(j) Cai(j)a(j)phas,(j) (,) the(j) high(j) priest(g) that(h) year.(f) (:) Cai(h)a(j)phas(j) was(j) the(j) one(j) (,) who(j) had(j) ad(j)vised(j) the(i) Ju(h)de(j)ans(j) (;) that(j) it(j) was(j) bet(j)ter(j) to(j) have(j) one(j) per(j)son(j) die(j) for(j) the(g) peo(h)ple.(f) (:) Si(h)mon(j) Pe(j)ter(j) and(j) an(j)oth(j)er(i) dis(h)ci(j)ple(j) (;) fol(j)lowed(g) Je(h)sus.(f) (:) Since(h) that(j) dis(j)ci(j)ple(j) was(j) known(j) to(j) the(i) high(h) priest,(j) (;) he(h) went(j) with(j) Je(j)sus(j) in(j)to(j) the(j) court(j)yard(j) of(j) the(g) high(h) priest,(f) (:) but(h) Pe(j)ter(j) was(j) stand(j)ing(j) out(j)side(j) at(g) the(h) gate.(f) (:) So(h) the(j) oth(j)er(j) dis(j)ci(j)ple,(j) who(j) was(j) known(j) to(j) the(i) high(h) priest,(j) (;) went(h) out,(j) (,) spoke(j) to(j) the(j) wom(j)an(j) who(j) guard(j)ed(j) the(j) gate,(j) (,) and(j) brought(g) Pe(h)ter(f) in.(f) (:) The(h) wom(j)an(j) said(j) to(g) Pe(h)ter,(f)
S.(z0::c3) You(i) are(k) not(k) al(k)so(k) one(k) of(k) this(k) man’s(k) di(k)sci(j)ples,(h) are(ij) you?(k)
C.(z0::c4) He(jg) said,(hf)
S.(z0::c3)I(k) am(ij) not.(h)
C.(z0::c4)Now(h) the(j) slaves(j) and(j) the(j) po(j)lice(j) had(j) made(j) a(j) char(j)coal(j) fire(j) be(j)cause(j) it(i) was(h) cold,(j) (;) and(h) they(j) were(j) stand(j)ing(j) a(j)round(j) it(j) and(j) warm(j)ing(g) them(h)selves.(f) (:) Pe(h)ter(j) al(j)so(j) was(j) stand(j)ing(j) with(j) them(j) (;) and(j) warm(j)ing(g) him(h)self.(f) (:) Then(h) the(j) high(j) priest(j) ques(j)tioned(j) Je(j)sus(j) a(j)bout(j) his(i) dis(h)ci(j)ples(j) (;) and(j) a(j)bout(j) his(g) teach(h)ing.(f) (:) Je(h)sus(j) an(ixjIH)swered,(gf)
†(::)I(d) have(f) spo(f)ken(f) o(f)pen(f)ly(f) to(f) the(fe) world;(d) (:) I(d) have(f) al(f)ways(f) taught(f) in(f) syn(f)a(f)gogues(f) and(f) in(f) the(f) tem(f)ple,(f) (,) where(f) all(f) the(f) Ju(f)de(f)ans(f) come(e) to(d)geth(f)er.(f) (;) I(d) have(f) said(f) noth(f)ing(f) in(fe) se(d)cret.(d) (:) Why(e) do(c) you(de) ask(f) me?(f) (:) Ask(d) those(f) who(f) heard(f) what(f) I(f) said(e) to(d) them;(f) (;) they(f) know(f) what(e) I(ghg) said.(f)
C.(::)When(h) he(j) had(j) said(j) this,(j) one(j) of(j) the(j) po(j)lice(j) stand(j)ing(i) near(h)by(j) (;) struck(h) Je(j)sus(j) on(j) the(j) face,(g) say(h)ing,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Is(i) that(k) how(k) you(k) an(k)swer(j) the(h) high(ij) priest?(k)
C.(z0::c4)Je(h)sus(j) an(ixjIH)swered,(gf)
†(::)If(d) I(f) have(f) spo(e)ken(d) wrong(f)ly,(f) (;) tes(f)ti(f)fy(f) to(f) the(fe) wrong.(d) (:) But(hgh) if(ixi) I(h) have(h) spo(h)ken(h) right(g)ly,(f) (;) why(f) do(e) you(c) strike(de) me?(f)
C.(::)Then(h) An(j)nas(j) sent(j) him(i) bound(h) (;) to(h) Cai(j)a(j)phas(j) the(g) high(h) priest.(f) (:) Now(h) Si(j)mon(j) Pe(j)ter(j) was(j) stand(j)ing(j) and(j) warm(j)ing(i) him(h)self.(j) (;) They(jg) asked(h) him,(f)
S.(z0::c3)You(i) are(k) not(k) al(k)so(k) one(k) of(k) his(k) dis(k)ci(j)ples,(h) are(ij) you?(k)
C.(z0::c4)He(h) de(j)nied(j) it(g) and(h) said,(f)
S.(z0::c3)I(k) am(ij) not.(h)
C.(z0::c4)One(h) of(j) the(j) slaves(j) of(i) the(h) high(j) priest,(j) (;) a(h) rel(j)a(j)tive(j) of(j) the(j) man(j) whose(j) ear(j) Pe(j)ter(j) had(j) cut(g) off,(h) asked,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Did(i) I(k) not(k) see(k) you(k) in(k) the(k) gar(j)den(h) with(ij) him?(k)
C.(z0::c4)A(h)gain(j) Pe(j)ter(i) de(h)nied(j) it,(j) (;) and(h) at(j) that(j) mo(j)ment(j) the(g) cock(h) crowed.(f) (:)
Then(h) they(j) took(j) Je(j)sus(j) from(j) Cai(j)a(j)phas(j) to(j) Pi(j)late’s(g) head(h)quar(f)ters.(f) (:) It(h) was(j) ear(j)ly(j) in(j) the(j) morn(j)ing.(h) (,) They(h) them(j)selves(j) did(j) not(j) en(j)ter(i) the(h) head(j)quar(j)ters,(j) (;) so(h) as(j) to(j) a(j)void(j) rit(j)u(j)al(j) de(j)file(j)ment(j) and(j) to(j) be(j) a(j)ble(j) to(j) eat(j) the(g) Pass(h)o(f)ver.(f) (:) So(h) Pi(j)late(j) went(j) out(j) to(j) them(g) and(h) said,(f)
S.(z0::c3) What(i) ac(k)cu(k)sa(k)tion(k) do(k) you(k) bring(k) a(j)gainst(h) this(ij) man?(k)
C.(z0::c4)They(jg) an(h)swered,(f)
S.(z0::c3)If(i) this(k) man(k) were(k) not(j) a(i) crim(k)i(k)nal,(k) (;) we(i) would(k) not(k) have(k) hand(k)ed(k) him(k) o(k)ver(i) to(j) you.(h)
C.(z0::c4)Pi(h)late(j) said(j) to(g) them,(hf)
S.(z0::c3)Take(k) him(j) your(i)selves(k) (;) and(k) judge(k) him(k) ac(k)cor(k)ding(i) to(j) your(h) law.(h)
C.(z0::c4)The(h) Ju(j)de(j)ans(g) re(h)plied(f)
S.(z0::c3)We(i) are(k) not(k) per(k)mit(k)ted(k) to(k) put(k) an(k)y(k)one(i) to(j) death.(h)
C.(z0::c4)This(h) was(j) to(j) ful(j)fill(j) what(j) Je(j)sus(i) had(h) said(j) (;) when(j) he(j) in(j)di(j)cat(j)ed(j) the(j) kind(j) of(j) death(j) he(j) was(g) to(h) die.(f) (:) Then(h) Pi(j)late(j) en(j)tered(j) the(j) head(j)quar(j)ters(i) a(h)gain,(j) (;) sum(h)moned(j) Je(j)sus,(j) and(g) asked(h) him,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Are(i) you(k) the(k) King(k) of(k) the(j) Ju(h)de(ij)ans?(k)
C.(z0::c4)Je(h)sus(j) an(ixjIH)swered,(gf)
†(::)Do(d) you(f) ask(f) this(f) on(f) your(f) own,(d) (,) or(d) did(f) ot(f)hers(f) tell(e) you(c) a(d)bout(e) me?(f)
C.(::)Pi(j)late(g) re(h)plied,(f)
S.(z0::c3)I(k) am(k) not(k) a(k) Ju(k)de(j)an(h), am(ij) I?(k) (:) Your(i) own(k) na(k)tion(k) and(k) the(j) chief(i) priests(k) (;) have(i) han(k)ded(k) you(k) o(k)ver(i) to(j) me.(h) (;) What(j) have(h) you(ij) done?(k)
C.(z0::c4)Je(h)sus(j) an(ixjIH)swered,(gf)
†(::)My(d) king(f)dom(f) is(f) not(f) from(f) this(fe) world.(d) (:) If(d) my(f) king(f)dom(f) were(f) from(e) this(d) world,(f) (;) my(d) fol(f)low(f)ers(f) would(f) be(f) fight(f)ing(f) to(f) keep(f) me(f) from(f) be(f)ing(f) hand(f)ed(f) o(f)ver(f) to(f) the(f) Ju(f)de(fe)ans.(d) (:) But(hgh) as(ixi) it(h) is,(g) my(f) king(f)dom(f) is(f) not(e) from(ghg) here.(f)
C.(::)Pi(j)late(g) asked(h) him,(f)
S.(z0::c3)So(ik) you(j) are(h) a(ij) king?(k)
C.(z0::c4)Je(h)sus(j) an(ixjIH)swered,(gf)
†(::)You(hgh) say(ixih) that(g) I(f) am(e) a(ghg) king.(f) (:) For(d) this(f) I(f) was(f) born,(f) (,) and(f) for(f) this(f) I(f) came(f) in(f)to(e) the(d) world,(f) (;) to(d) tes(f)ti(f)fy(f) to(f) the(fe) truth.(d) (:) Eve(d)ry(f)one(f) who(f) be(f)longs(f) to(e) the(d) truth(f) (,) lis(f)tens(e) to(g) my(ghg) voice.(f)
C.(::)Pi(j)late(g) asked(h) him,(f)
S.(z0::c3)What(kjh) is(ij) truth?(k)
C.(z0::c4)Af(h)ter(j) he(j) had(j) said(j) this,(j) he(j) went(j) out(j) to(j) the(j) Ju(j)de(j)ans(j) a(j)gain(j) and(g) told(h) them,(f)
S.(z0::c3)I(i) find(k) no(k) case(k) a(i)gainst(j) him.(g) (:) But(i) you(k) have(k) a(k) cus(k)tom(i) (;) that(k) I(k) re(k)lease(k) some(k)one(k) for(k) you(k) at(k) the(i) Pass(j)o(h)ver.(h) (:) Do(i) you(k) want(k) me(k) to(k) re(k)lease(k) for(k) you(k) the(k) King(k) of(j) the(h) Ju(i)de(j)ans?(k)
C.(z0::c4)They(h) shou(j)ted(g) in(h) re(f)ply,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Not(i) this(k) man,(k) (,) but(k) Ba(i)rab(j)bas!(h)
C.(z0::c4)Now(h) Bar(j)ab(j)bas(j) was(j) a(g) ban(h)dit.(f) (:) Then(h) Pi(j)late(j) took(j) Je(j)sus(j) and(g) had(h) him(f) flogged.(f) (:) And(h) the(j) sol(j)diers(j) wove(j) a(j) crown(j) of(j) thorns(j) (,) and(j) put(j) it(j) on(i) his(h) head,(j) (;) and(h) they(j) dressed(j) him(j) in(j) a(g) pur(h)ple(f) robe.(f) (:) They(h) kept(j) com(j)ing(j) up(i) to(h) him,(j) (,) and(g) say(h)ing,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Hail,(i) (,) King(k) of(k) the(k) Ju(i)de(j)ans!(h)
C.(z0::c4)and(h) stri(j)king(j) him(j) on(g) the(h) face.(f) (:) Pi(h)late(j) went(j) out(i) a(h)gain(j) (,) and(j) said(g) to(h) them,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Look,(i) I(k) am(k) bring(k)ing(k) him(k) out(j) to(i) you(k) (;) to(i) let(k) you(k) know(k) that(k) I(k) find(k) no(k) case(k) a(i)gainst(j) him.(h)
C.(z0::c4)So(h) Je(j)sus(j) came(j) out,(j) wear(j)ing(j) the(j) crown(i) of(h) thorns(j) (;) and(j) the(g) pur(h)ple(f) robe.(f) (:) Pi(j)late(g) said(h) to(f) them,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Here(k) is(i) the(j) man!(h)
C.(z0::c4)When(h) the(j) chief(j) priests(j) and(j) the(j) po(j)lice(j) saw(j) him,(j) they(g) shou(h)ted,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Cru(i)ci(k)fy(k) him!(i) (,) Cru(k)ci(i)fy(j) him!(h)
C.(z0::c4)Pi(j)late(g) said(h) to(f) them,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Take(i) him(k) your(k)selves(k) and(k) cru(k)ci(j)fy(i) him;(k) (;) I(i) find(k) no(k) case(k) ag(i)ainst(j) him.(h)
C.(z0::c4)The(h) Ju(j)de(j)ans(j) an(g)swered(h) him,(f)
S.(z0::c3)We(i) have(k) a(k) law,(i) (,) and(i) ac(k)cor(k)ding(k) to(k) that(k) law(k) he(k) ought(j) to(i) die(k) (;) be(i)cause(k) he(k) has(k) claimed(k) to(k) be(k) the(k) Son(i) of(j) God.(h)
C.(z0::c4)Now(h) when(j) Pi(j)late(j) heard(ih) this,(j) (;) he(j) was(j) more(j) a(j)fraid(j) than(g) ev(h)er.(f) (:) He(h) en(j)tered(j) his(j) head(j)quar(j)ters(i) a(h)gain(j) (;) and(j) asked(g) Je(h)sus,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Where(k) are(jh) you(ij) from?(k)
C.(z0::c4)But(h) Je(k)sus(k) gave(k) him(k) no(g) an(h)swer.(f) (:) Pi(h)late(j) there(j)fore(g) said(h) to(f) him,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Do(i) you(k) re(k)fuse(k) to(k) speak(jh) to(ij) me?(k) (:) Do(i) you(k) not(k) know(k) that(k) I(k) have(k) pow(k)er(k) to(j) re(i)lease(k) you,(k) (;) and(i) pow(k)er(k) to(k) cru(j)ci(h)fy(ij) you?(k)
C.(z0::c4)Je(h)sus(j) an(ixji)swered(h) him,(gf)
†(::)You(d) would(f) have(f) no(f) pow(f)er(f) o(e)ver(d) me(f) (;) un(d)less(f) it(f) had(f) been(f) giv(f)en(f) you(f) from(f) a(fe)bove;(d) (:) there(d)fore(f) the(f) one(f) who(f) hand(f)ed(f) me(f) o(f)ver(e) to(d) you(f) (,) is(f) guilt(f)y(f) of(f) a(e) great(gh)er(g) sin.(f)
C.(::)From(h) then(j) on(j) Pi(j)late(j) tried(j) to(j) re(i)lease(h) him,(j) (;) but(h) the(j) Ju(j)de(j)ans(g) cried(h) out,(f)
S.(z0::c3)If(i) you(k) re(k)lease(j) this(i) man,(k) (;) you(i) are(k) no(k) friend(k) of(k) the(i) em(j)per(h)or.(h) (:) Eve(i)ry(k)one(k) who(k) claims(k) to(k) be(j) a(i) king(k) (;) sets(i) him(k)self(k) a(k)gainst(k) the(i) em(j)per(h)or.(h)
C.(z0::c4)When(h) Pi(j)late(j) heard(j) these(j) words,(j) he(j) brought(j) Je(j)sus(j) out(j)side(h) (,) and(h) sat(j) on(j) the(j) judge’s(j) bench(j) at(j) a(j) place(j) called(j) The(j) Stone(ih) Pave(j)ment,(j) (;) or(j) in(j) He(j)brew(g) Gab(h)ba(f)tha.(f) (:) Now(h) it(j) was(j) the(j) day(j) of(j) Prep(j)a(j)ra(j)tion(j) for(i) the(h) Pass(j)o(j)ver;(j) (:) and(h) it(j) was(j) a(g)bout(h) noon.(f) He(h) said(j) to(j) the(j) Ju(g)de(h)ans,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Here(k) is(i) your(j) King!(h)
C.(z0::c4)They(jg) cried(h) out,(f)
S.(z0::c3)A(i)way(k) with(k) him!(i) (,) A(k)way(j) with(i) him!(k) (;) Cru(k)ci(i)fy(j) him!(h)
C.(z0::c4)Pi(j)late(g) asked(h) them,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Shall(i) I(k) cru(k)ci(j)fy(h) your(ij) King?(k)
C.(z0::c4)The(h) chief (j) priests(g) an(h)swered,(f)
S.(z0::c3)We(k) have(j) no(i) king(k) (,) but(k) the(i) em(j)per(h)or.(h)
C.(z0::c4)Then(h) he(j) hand(j)ed(j) him(j) o(j)ver(i) to(h) them(j) (;) to(j) be(g) cru(h)ci(f)fied.(f) (:) So(h) they(j) took(g) Je(h)sus;(f) (:) and(h) car(j)ry(j)ing(j) the(j) cross(j) by(j) him(j)self,(j) (,) he(j) went(j) out(j) to(j) what(j) is(j) called(j) The(j) Place(j) of(j) the(j) Skull,(j) (,) which(j) in(j) He(j)brew(j) is(j) called(j) Gol(j)go(h)tha.
All stand.
(h) (;) There(h) they(j) cru(j)ci(j)fied(j) him,(j) and(j) with(j) him(i) two(h) oth(j)ers,(j) (;) one(j) on(j) ei(j)ther(j) side,(j) with(j) Je(j)sus(j) be(g)tween(h) them.(f) (:) Pi(h)late(j) al(j)so(j) had(j) an(j) in(j)scrip(i)tion(g) writ(j)ten(j) (;) and(h) put(j) on(g) the(h) cross.(f) (:) It(h) read,(j) “Je(j)sus(i) of(h) Naz(j)a(j)reth,(j) (;) the(j) King(j) of(j) the(j) Ju(g)de(h)ans.”(f) (:) Man(h)y(j) of(j) the(j) Ju(j)de(j)ans(j) read(j) this(i) in(h)scrip(j)tion,(j) (;) be(j)cause(j) the(j) place(j) where(j) Je(j)sus(j) was(j) cru(j)ci(j)fied(j) was(j) near(j) the(g) cit(h)y;(f) (:) and(h) it(j) was(j) writ(j)ten(j) in(j) He(j)brew,(j) in(j) Lat(j)in,(j) and(j) in(g) Greek.(hf) (:) Then(h) the(j) chief(j) priests(j) of(j) the(j) Ju(j)de(j)ans(j) said(j) to(g) Pi(h)late,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Do(i) not(k) write,(k) ‘The(k) King(k) of(k) the(k) Ju(k)de(k)ans,’(i) (,) but,(k) ‘This(j) man(i) said,(k) (;) I(i) am(k) King(k) of(k) the(k) Ju(i)de(j)ans.’(h)
C.(z0::c4)Pi(j)late(g) an(h)swered,(f)
S.(z0::c3)What(k) I(j) have(i) writ(k)ten(k) (,) I(k) have(i) writ(j)ten.(h)
C.(z0::c4)When(h) the(j) sol(j)diers(j) had(j) cru(j)ci(j)fied(j) Je(j)sus,(h) (,) they(h) took(j) his(j) clothes(j) (,) and(j) di(j)vid(j)ed(j) them(j) in(j)to(i) four(h) parts,(j) (,) one(h) for(j) each(g) sol(h)dier.(f) (:) They(h) al(j)so(j) took(j) his(j) tu(j)nic;(j) (;) now(h) the(j) tu(j)nic(i) was(h) seam(j)less,(j) (;) wo(h)ven(j) in(j) one(j) piece(g) from(h) the(f) top.(f) (:) So(h) they(j) said(j) to(j) one(j) an(g)oth(h)er,(f)
S.(z0::c3)Let(i) us(k) not(ji) tear(k) it,(k) (;) but(i) cast(k) lots(k) for(k) it(k) to(k) see(k) who(k) will(i) get(j) it.(h)
C.(z0::c4)This(h) was(j) to(j) ful(j)fill(j) what(j) the(j) scrip(i)ture(h) says,(j) (;) “They(h) di(j)vid(j)ed(j) my(j) clothes(j) a(j)mong(j) them(g)selves,(hf) (:) and(h) for(j) my(j) cloth(j)ing(j) they(g) cast(h) lots.”(f) (:) And(h) that(j) is(j) what(j) the(g) sol(h)diers(f) did.(f) (:) Mean(h)while,(j) stand(j)ing(j) near(j) the(j) cross(j) of(j) Je(j)sus(h) (,) were(h) his(j) moth(j)er,(j) and(j) his(j) moth(j)er’s(j) sis(j)ter,(j) (,) Mar(j)y(j) the(j) wife(i) of(h) Clo(j)pas,(j) (;) and(h) Mar(j)y(g) Mag(h)da(f)lene.(f) (:) When(h) Je(j)sus(j) saw(j) his(j) moth(j)er(h) (,) and(h) the(j) dis(j)ci(j)ple(j) whom(j) he(j) loved(j) stand(j)ing(i) be(h)side(j) her,(j) (;) he(h) said(j) to(j) his(ixjIH) moth(g)er,(f)
†(::)Wom(ixhghiHGF)an,(f) (,) here(e) is(g) your(ghg) son.(f)
C.(::)Then(h) he(j) said(j) to(j) the(ixji) di(h)sci(g)ple,(f)
†(::)Here(f) is(e) your(g) mo(ghg)ther.(f)
C.(::)And(j) from(i) that(h) hour(j) (;) the(h) dis(j)ci(j)ple(j) took(j) her(j) in(j)to(j) his(g) own(h) home.(f) (:) Af(h)ter(j) this,(j) when(j) Je(j)sus(j) knew(j) that(j) all(j) was(i) now(h) fin(j)ished,(j) (;) he(h) said,(j) in(j) or(j)der(j) to(j) ful(j)fill(ixji) the(h) scrip(g)ture,(f)
†(::)I(g) am(g) thirst(ghGF)y.(f)
C.(::)A(h) jar(j) full(j) of(j) sour(j) wine(j) was(g) stand(h)ing(f) there.(f) (:) So(h) they(j) put(j) a(j) sponge(j) full(j) of(j) the(j) wine(j) on(j) a(j) branch(i) of(h) hys(j)sop(j) (;) and(h) held(j) it(g) to(h) his(f) mouth.(f) (:) When(h) Je(j)sus(j) had(j) re(j)ceived(j) the(j) wine,(j) he(ixjIH) said,(gf)
†(::)It(f) is(e) fin(ghg)ished.(f)
C.(::) Then(h) he(j) bowed(i) his(h) head(j) (,) and(h) gave(j) up(j) his(g) spir(h)it.
All kneel. Pause for the length of a Pater and an Ave. All rise.
(f) (::) (Z)
Since(h) it(j) was(j) the(j) day(j) of(j) Prep(j)a(j)ra(j)tion,(j) (,) the(j) Ju(j)de(j)ans(j) did(j) not(j) want(j) the(j) bod(j)ies(j) left(j) on(j) the(j) cross(j) dur(j)ing(j) the(j) sab(j)bath,(h) (,) es(h)pe(j)cial(j)ly(j) be(j)cause(j) that(j) sab(j)bath(j) was(j) a(j) day(j) of(j) great(i) so(h)lem(j)ni(j)ty.(j) (;) So(h) they(j) asked(j) Pi(j)late(j) to(j) have(j) the(j) legs(j) of(j) the(j) cru(j)ci(j)fied(j) men(j) bro(j)ken(j) (,) and(j) the(j) bod(j)ies(g) re(h)moved.(f) (:) Then(h) the(j) sol(j)diers(j) came(h) (,) and(h) broke(j) the(j) legs(j) of(j) the(j) first(j) and(j) of(i) the(h) oth(j)er(j) (;) who(j) had(j) been(j) cru(j)ci(g)fied(h) with(f) him.(f) (:) But(h) when(j) they(j) came(i) to(h) Je(j)sus(j) (;) and(h) saw(j) that(j) he(j) was(j) al(j)read(j)y(j) dead,(j) (,) they(h) did(j) not(j) break(j) his(j) legs.(h) (,) In(h)stead,(j) one(j) of(j) the(j) sol(j)diers(j) pierced(j) his(j) side(j) with(i) a(h) spear,(j) (;) and(h) at(j) once(j) blood(j) and(j) wa(j)ter(g) came(h) out.(f) (:) He(h) who(j) saw(j) this(j) has(j) tes(j)ti(j)fied(j) so(j) that(j) you(j) al(j)so(j) may(i) be(h)lieve.(j) (;) His(j) tes(j)ti(j)mo(j)ny(i) is(h) true,(j) (,) and(h) he(j) knows(j) that(j) he(j) tells(g) the(h) truth.(f) (:) These(h) things(j) oc(j)curred(j) so(j) that(j) the(j) scrip(j)ture(j) might(j) be(i) ful(h)filled,(j) (;) “None(h) of(j) his(j) bones(j) shall(j) be(g) bro(h)ken.”(f) (:) And(h) a(j)gain(j) an(j)oth(j)er(j) pas(j)sage(j) of(j) scrip(i)ture(h) says,(j) (;) “They(h) will(j) look(j) on(j) the(j) one(j) whom(g) they(h) have(f) pierced.”(f) (::Z)
(c4)Af(h)ter(j) these(j) things,(j) (,) Jo(j)seph(j) of(j) Ar(j)i(j)ma(j)the(j)a,(h) (;) who(j) was(j) a(j) dis(j)ci(j)ple(j) of(j) Je(j)sus,(j) (,) though(j) a(j) se(j)cret(j) one(j) be(j)cause(j) of(j) his(j) fear(j) of(j) the(j) Ju(g)de(h)ans,(f) (,) asked(h) Pi(j)late(j) to(j) let(j) him(j) take(j) a(j)way(j) the(j) bod(j)y(j) of(j) Je(j)sus.(h) (:) Pi(j)late(j) gave(j) him(j) per(j)mis(j)sion;(f) (;) so(j) he(j) came(j) and(j) re(j)moved(j) his(g) bod(h)y.(f) (:) Nic(h)o(j)de(j)mus,(j) who(j) had(j) at(j) first(j) come(j) to(j) Je(j)sus(j) by(j) night,(j) (,) al(j)so(h) came,(h) (;) bring(h)ing(j) a(j) mix(j)ture(j) of(j) myrrh(j) and(j) al(j)oes,(j) (,) weigh(j)ing(j) a(j)bout(j) a(g) hun(h)dred(f) pounds.(f) (:) They(h) took(j) the(j) bod(j)y(j) of(j) Je(j)sus(h) (;) and(h) wrapped(j) it(j) with(j) the(j) spic(j)es(j) in(j) lin(j)en(j) cloths,(j) (,) ac(j)cord(j)ing(j) to(j) the(j) bur(j)i(j)al(j) cus(j)tom(j) of(j) the(j) Ju(g)de(h)ans.(f) (:) Now(h) there(j) was(j) a(j) gar(j)den(j) in(j) the(j) place(j) where(j) he(j) was(j) cru(j)ci(h)fied,(h) (;) and(h) in(j) the(j) gar(j)den(j) there(j) was(j) a(j) new(j) tomb(j) (,) in(j) which(j) no(j) one(j) had(j) ev(j)er(g) been(h) laid.(f) (:) And(h) so,(j) be(j)cause(j) it(j) was(j) the(j) Ju(j)de(j)an(j) day(j) of(j) Prep(j)a(j)ra(j)tion,(h) (;) and(h) the(j) tomb(j) was(j) near(j)by,(j) (,) they(h) laid(ji) Je(kl)sus(k) there.(j)