The Passion according to John

Entire Passion (John 18:1-19:42); Ramshaw text, Planctus tone ending


This emended version of the NRSV Johannine Passion was created by the liturgical scholar Gail Ramshaw. In her introduction to the next, she notes that this emendation "attempts to clarify who in each episode of the narrative is meant by 'the Jews.' ... This proposal comes with awareness that any such rendering of the Greek Ioudaioi necessarily involves interpretation of the narrative, yet with no presumption of historical accuracy."

It was officially recommended by General Convention in Resolution 2024-A115. In the notes to the Alternative Liturgy, it reads: "For the Passion Gospel, the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music recommends that congregations explore using approved translations of Scripture, including the Common English Bible and the New International Version, that refer to Jesus’ opponents as 'the Jewish leaders' rather than 'the Jews.' Congregations are encouraged to consider the introductory material and emended Passion according to John available from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as Seasonal Rites for the Three Days, which is available for free download with copyright permission for congregational use."
