Daily Office

The Great Litany

Entire service Without the Supplication


Entire service Booklet (8.5x5.5")
Beginning Noctem quietam
Versicle and Response ( Adjutorium nostrum )
Versicle and Response ( Deus, in adiutorium )
Psalms Psalm 4 ( Cum invocarum )
Psalm 31 ( In te, Domine, speravi )
Psalm 91 ( Qui habitat )
Psalm 134 ( Ecce nunc )
Gloria Patri
Little Chapter Jeremiah 14:9,22
Matthew 11:28-30
Hebrews 13:20-21
1 Peter 5:8-9a
Responsories In manus tuas
Custodi nos, Domine
Prayers Kyrie eleison
The Lord's Prayer
Introduction to collects ( Domine, exaudi )
Collect 1
Collect 2
Collect 3
Collect 4
Song of Simeon Antiphon ( Salva nos )
Nunc dimittis
Conclusion Benedicamus Domino