Eucharistic Prayer D (Pre- Sanctus )

Mozarabic chant


The Mozarabic Rite, officially known as the Hispanic Rite, is one of the liturgical rites of Roman Catholicism used primarily in Spain and Portugal. The term, Mozarabic, refers to the Mozarabs, the Christians who lived in Iberia during the Muslim rule in the Middle Ages. This unique tone, chosen perhaps because of the universality of Prayer D, was printed in the Missale Mixtum secundum Regulam beati Isidori, dictum Mozarabes ( Patrologia Latina, vol. 85).

This fully sung-through version, written by Bill Gartig, is best for celebratory occasions. To keep the Mozarabic theme together, use S123 as the Sanctus when celebrating, a simpler Mozarabic tone. The sung Memorial Acclamation chosen by Gartig, S140 , comes from the Ambrosian Rite of Milan.

For the chant following the Sanctus , see Eucharistic Prayer D, Post-Sanctus .


PDF by Bill Gartig